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A flexible scheduling and rostering solution designed specifically for the security guards industry, cleaning industry.




Scheduling and Rostering Solution

A flexible scheduling and rostering solution designed specifically for the security guards industry, cleaning industry.


1.  Visibility of all manpower requirements and availability for the next 2 months.

2. Daily Operational Overview of all Shortages of all sites, to each cluster to each site.


1.  Visibility of all manpower requirements and availability for the next 2 months.

2. Daily Operational Overview of all Shortages of all sites, to each cluster to each site.


1. Operation centre compile all shortages in by shift , by cluster, by site in real time before the start of each shift.

2. System Auto send message to Tenants for Reports Due Reminders, Submitted, Resend, Approval and Closed.

3. Communication system to handle the assigning, accepting , confirming of all jobs assignments with the replacement manpower through an efficient mob app. Eg. Details of job assignments will be fwd after confirmation thru the mob app by the system automatically.